Osteoporosis is a disease affecting the integrity of bone. A large majority of osteoporosis cases lead to bone fractures most commonly in the spine and hips. It is the leading cause of fractures in both menopausal women and the elderly. Risk factors for osteoporosis include female gender (especially post-menopausal), family history of osteoporosis, history of trauma or bone fractures, history of inflammatory arthritis (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis), smoking, greater than two alcoholic beverages per day, sedentary lifestyle, thyroid disorder, men with low testosterone levels, and medications (e.g. steroids and anti depressants). Those with more than one of these risk factors are at an increased risk of having osteoporosis.
Usually there are no symptoms associated with osteoporosis. It is not until bone fracture that most people become aware that they have osteoporosis. However, tests are available to assess a patient’s bone density. The DXA scan is the most accurate tool to determine bone density and alert your physician to start treatment before fracture occurs.
The primary treatment for osteoporosis is prevention. It is important to avoid environmental risk factors (e.g. smoking and alcohol). Exercise and dietary modifications such as increased calcium and vitamin D are essential to prevent bone loss. In cases where the bone loss is too much to be treated just with dietary and supplement modifications, there are oral and injectable FDA approved medications for both the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Dr. Vishnu Sharma has the required experience and the can perform the tests/scans necessary to help you manage your condition effectively.
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